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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Every time I sit down and think about a blog post....I get distracted.  When I do sit down on this page, I think, WOW, it's been a long time since I have written anything.  Anyone who knows me...knows I talk about diabetes A LOT, so why doesn't it get put here??

I have a lot to do today too -- not very different than other days -- however today I feel a different pull.  I feel like the "to do" list can wait...It seems to be...that someone might benefit from reading the thoughts jumping around in my head....if it helps one just person...

J has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for a little more than 4 years.  4 years of constant. Constant thinking, counting, dosing, changing, a routine without a routine.  At 15 now, in the throes of puberty - insulin management is a whole new ballgame.  People warned me about "this."  I was "prepared." Or so I thought.

Overall, I think one just "muddles" through diabetes management once in awhile.  You almost have to, to survive some days.  You go along in your routine, this routine without any boundaries or rules -- and then out of the blue, diabetes decides to not play fair.  I mean, really not fair.

It's no secret if you are in our "diabetes bubble" that J (we) strive(s) for really tight control with his diabetes. This isn't a bad thing.  It means a lot of work, and a higher chance for a low blood sugar now and then.  That's where the unfair part comes into play.  We have been moving along "pretty smoothly" for a while.  Small changes here and there...nothing major...until last weekend.  Last weekend brought a whole new meaning to low blood sugars.  The kind that are scary.  The kind that don't seem to respond to about a billion carbs of straight sugar.  That kind that drop again in the middle of the night, even after the millionth  juice box.  Why?  Why? Why?  We have decreased insulin basal a lot.  We run temp basal (sometimes even shutting the pump off...shhh..don't tell his MD)  We have changed carb ratios....And he is still running low.  Really low.  The kind of low that you know there is a hedge of protection around him about ten feet high...that has to be the only reason he hasn't fallen out with a seizure.

The answer to the WHY is there isn't one.  It might be a change of temperature, weather, a full moon,
stress, too much, too little of something, food, sleep, exercise....but more than likely...the only answer that makes sense happens because he has type 1 diabetes.

So with that....I am looking, once again for my big girl panties.  I explain to him that I don't know why it's happening, but it is...and we will "fix" it.  We will continue to make adjustments until we find our "normal" place again.  Numbers are information.  High or low.  React to them, and move on. Most of the time (obviously) you can't control diabetes -- but you can corral it -- and that's what we intend to do.